Animation Tool
Frustrated with creating quick animations for game sprites with The Gimp and not finding a decent alternative Linux program to solve this problem I created this tool. It was intended for my Ludum Dare game Batkeep and anything else that may have a similar style.
Characters are constructed from a hierarchy of parts that can be rotated for each key frame. Intermediate frames are interpolated. The program is intended to be used alongside Gimp and can load xcf files containing multiple parts (one per layer).
Animations are stored as an xml definition plus the source part images. Theoretically this could be used directly in a game for procedural animations rather than baked frames.
Animations can be exported as a sprite sheet, or a Gimp xcf document with one frame per layer which can be converted to an animated gif or whatever.
This project is not quite finished, there are a few missing features from the original design such as copy & paste, but it is in a usable state.
Currently only a 64bit Linux build here, I'll upload more later.